Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2021-11-22T23:27:59-08:00
Where do I go?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

New vendors should report to the information booth on Cowls Street to make payment and receive booth location.

Where do I apply?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

Applications can be found online at

When should Iarrive?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

Setup begins at 9:30 am and must be complete by 11:55 am.

When and where isthe market?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

The market takes place on Thursday from 12:00-6:00 pm. The market is located in the area surrounding the intersection of 1st & Cowls St.

What should I bring?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

Vendors must supply all tents, tables, etc. needed. Drinking water is recommended as well, as we are currently unable to provide a water source due to COVID restrictions.

What is the best way to market my product?2024-03-25T08:14:31-07:00

Be creative! Using social media, electronic newsletters, and having a website is a great place to start. Create a welcoming a visually pleasing display in your booth and word will spread quickly.

What if I have an emergency and can’t make it to market?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

Please alert Chloe, the market manager, as soon as possible via email

Is there an application fee?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

Yes, the application fee is $30 and applies to all vendors.

Howmuch does the booth cost per week?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

There are two market seasons and zones.

Main Season (May-Aug):

  • Zone A is $40 per week
  • Zone B is $35 per week.

Late Season(Sept-Oct):

  • Zone A is $30 per week
  • Zone B is $27 per week.
Howmany people attend themarket each week?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

About 2,000 people attend the market each week.

Can I apply for the whole season as a new vendor?2024-03-25T08:14:33-07:00

No, new vendors are approved on a weekly basis.

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